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Coastal System par Mind Map: Coastal System

1. The Inputs of Sediment can come from: Rivers; Sea level rise; Erosion from cliffs; Waves/ Tides/ Currents can all carry sediment also.

2. High-energy coastlines recieve high inputs of energy from Large, powerful waves. Caused by strong winds, long fetches, and steeply shelvings. Higher rate of erosion than deposition.

3. Currents- Move material along the coast.

4. Tides- Rise and fall of the ocean surface, casued by gravitational energy. Higher tide more energy is produced.

5. Waves- Effected by the Wind the higher the fetch the more powerful the wave. 2 types of wave Destructive ( high and steep, high frequency and washes away sediment strong backwash. Constructive waves ( low and long, low frequency, strong swash deposits sediemnt)

6. Wind- can generate powerful waves and are much stronger in storm surges

7. Energy

8. High/Low Energy

9. Sediment Sources

10. Sediemnt cells- the coast is divided into sediment cells and are marked by a landform like a headland. Sediement is stored here and has a positive budget meaning the coastline builds outwards. or a negative budget whichretreats the coastline.

11. Low-energy coastlines small gentle waves may be casued by the opposite of high energy coasts and may be becasue of reefs or islands which block pwoerful waves. Salt Marshes and mud flats.

12. Coastal Systems are usually in Dynamic Equilibrium (a balance of inputs and outputs) Negative Feedback-decreases the amount of change by reducing some of the inputs Positive Feedback-increases the amount of change. This leads to an imbalance.

13. Coasts are a system this means they include: Inputs- sediment/ energy (Wind, Waves, Tides, Currents) Outputs- Sediment Processes- erosion, weathering, transportation and mass movement. Can move within system. Stores- Beaches, dunes and Spits are all stores.

14. Natural System