Adlerian Therapy Technique

Adlerian Therapy - a mindmap

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Adlerian Therapy Technique par Mind Map: Adlerian Therapy Technique

1. Theoretical Principles

1.1. Holism & Purposeful striving

1.2. Gemeinschaftsgefühl - Striving for superiority & excellence

1.3. Individual behaviors are subjective. Individuals create their own reality through their perceptions and actions

1.4. An idiographic approach

1.4.1. One must understand individual --> couple --> family behaviors

1.5. Style of Life

1.5.1. The individual cognitive map each of us uses to navigate through life is established in childhood. This map, referred to as lifestyle or style of life, is our personality. It gives us continuity and tells us about ourselves, others, and how the world works. The map can include basic mistakes, but can be modified through therapy and education.

1.6. Tasks of life

1.6.1. a) work/occupation; (b) social relationships; (c) love and marriage; ( d) self; (e) spirituality; and (f) parenting and family.

1.7. Psychopathology and change

1.7.1. 1) Discouragement leads to psychopathology. 2) Encouragement leads to health and change.

2. Practice Of Adlerian Therapy

2.1. 1. Forming the therapeutic relationship.

2.1.1. Foster collaboration & communication interest

2.1.2. Goal Alignment Present Therapy Goals • Fostering client social interest or community feeling. • Helping clients overcome feelings of inferiority and discouragement. • Helping clients change their basic mistakes. • Shifting client motivation from self-focused superiority to a community focus. • Helping clients feel as equals in their relationships

2.1.3. Focusing on Positives and Not Pathologizing Unlike solution-oriented approaches, therapists show interest in the whole person, both problems and strengths. The goal is to establish an encouraging environment.

2.2. 2. Lifestyle assessment and analysis

2.2.1. Family Constellation Inteview

2.2.2. The Question

2.2.3. Earliest Recollections

2.3. 3. Interpretation and insight

2.4. 4. Reorientation

2.4.1. The future autobiography

2.4.2. Acting As if

2.4.3. Reflecting As if Reflecting Planning Implementing

2.4.4. The push-button technique

2.4.5. Spitting in the soup

2.4.6. Creating new images

2.4.7. Task Setting & Indirect Suggestion

2.4.8. Paradoxical strategies

3. Alfred Adler

3.1. Austrian Psychiatrist 1870-1937

3.2. Initial work ocommunity life, prevention, and population health

3.3. In 1921, established the first child-guidance clinic in Vienna

3.4. Founded Individual Psychology

4. Individual Psychology

4.1. Individual Oriented

4.2. Psycho-educational

4.3. Focuses on view of self which is dependent on childhood experiences and family

4.3.1. view of self - inferior / superior

4.3.2. family order (eldest/youngest etc.)