Business lo1 - Understand protocols to be followed when working in business

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Business lo1 - Understand protocols to be followed when working in business par Mind Map: Business lo1 - Understand protocols to be followed when working in business

1. Checking protocols:

1.1. Checking of documents such as forms and letters to avoid risk of confusion.

2. IT security protocols:

2.1. protection of information against unauthorized access. along with inappropriate use of IT equipment and software.

3. Employment Protocols:

3.1. Health and safety legislation, equal opportunities legislation, contractual obligations and anything linked to employees.

4. Confidentiality protocols:

4.1. Organizational procedures to maintain confidentiality of employees and client information.

5. Definitions:

5.1. line manager: The superior whom employees report to.

5.1.1. protocol: procedures or rules that must be followed.

6. The constraints on document content:

6.1. Voluntary - organizational, ethical, codes of practice

6.2. legislation - copyright, data protection, consumer protection, equal opportunities

6.3. Avoiding Plagiarism