Clouds, Fog, and Dew

Clouds, fog, and dew. Lesson Plan Brainstorm.

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Clouds, Fog, and Dew par Mind Map: Clouds, Fog, and Dew

1. The science of humidity

1.1. relationship of temperature to humidity

1.2. supersaturation

2. The science of convection

2.1. relationship of temperature to pressure

2.2. density and boyancy

2.3. types of convection

3. Types of Clouds and Fog

3.1. classes and common types of clouds

3.2. types of fog

3.3. characteristics of each

4. What causes clouds, fog, and dew

4.1. what time of day you see dew and why

4.2. geographic regions to see fog

4.3. different atmospheric conditions create different kinds of clouds