Pyp Early Years Scope and Sequence

EDD 8510- Mind Map

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Pyp Early Years Scope and Sequence par Mind Map: Pyp Early Years Scope and Sequence

1. ATL SKills

1.1. Thinking

1.2. Social Skills

1.3. Communication

1.4. Self-management

1.5. Research

2. Learner Profile

2.1. Thinker

2.2. Reflective

2.3. Knowledgeable

2.4. Risk-Taker

2.5. Caring

2.6. Balanced

2.7. Open Minded

2.8. Inquirer

2.9. Communicator

2.10. Principled

3. Inquiry Learning Cycle

3.1. Tuning In

3.2. Finding Out

3.3. Sorting Out

3.4. Going Further

3.5. Making Conclusions

3.6. Taking Action

4. Key Concepts

4.1. Form

4.2. Connection

4.3. Function

4.4. Causation

4.5. Change

4.6. Perspective

4.7. Reflective

4.8. Responsibility

5. Inquiry Based Learning

5.1. UOI

5.1.1. Who we are

5.1.2. How we express ourselves

5.1.3. How we organize ourselves

5.1.4. How the world works

5.1.5. Where we are in place and time

5.1.6. Sharing the planet