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1. 8. Monitor the right metrics

1.1. Tracking the right metrics is important, by this we can understand which thing works best for us and what doesn’t work so well, this will bring more clarity about where the improvement is needed.

2. 1. Instagram Reels

2.1. Reels have more reach than normal feed contents. If proper use of this feature is done then it would open new doors for the team. Interactive content would be preferable too, because if interaction happens more than according to algorithm new accounts could be reach.

3. 7. Add locations to posts

3.1. Putting the location tagging has a lot of benefits, it will help to improve SEO(search engine optimization) and geo-targeting.

4. 9. Time of posting

4.1. Every page has a different audience. By analyzing posts, best time can be chosen where most of the audience is active.

5. 10. #Hashtags & stickers

5.1. Proper use of hashtags can work wonders. Instagram stickers works like hashtags too, relevant stickers and countdown stickers can be used to remind our audience for upcoming posts or events etc.

6. 11. Go live

6.1. In this collaboration with other experts or guests can help to reach new users. In that workshop can be host or Q&A session can also be hosted.

7. 2. Contest

7.1. People love to engage into contest, it could like best response, best advice and then feature the best ones on the account

8. 3. Testimonial

8.1. After event or sessions update the testimonial of participants. This will show that team is really working with motive and participants are happy with our management.

9. 4. Cross Promote Post

9.1. Cross promote is one of the simplest yet effective way to increase engagement. For an instance promote your Instagram posts on other social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.), with this you can invite our audience from different platform to another one.

10. 5. GIFs are short but useful

10.1. Many people don’t watch videos or stories till the end but with the help of GIFs it can be convert into livelier content than static one.

11. 6. Post user-generated content

11.1. This makes things real and genuine, by reposting our audience content we are looping them into our algorithm and that also helps with our activeness. Again, contest or theme challenge like things can be arranged.