ManiFresh Brainstorm Sesh

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ManiFresh Brainstorm Sesh par Mind Map: ManiFresh Brainstorm Sesh

1. Talent Team Ideas

1.1. Intro video detailing Chicago hip-hop, narrators are the talent being featured.

1.2. Marketing lead-up: Collab with CTVA - artist profile of talent (bboyb, poets, dancers, etc) "What hip-hop means to them" - next shot is of their talent (singing, etc)

1.2.1. Freelancing and Entrep. class connection - Anna

1.2.2. Halee - film industry connections

1.2.3. Joey - friend at Columbia

1.3. physical/visual - collab with fundraising/marketing - "Manifest Shop" - apparel 1-4 artists to create artwork for merch. Sell with ShopColumbia/pop-up. Portion to artist and portion to ColumbiaCares.

1.4. day-of event flow: Dj set, MC welcome/performance intros, mural reveal, performances, cypher or battle, DJ --- repeat! Similar vibes to the B-Series (in person version)

1.4.1. Kyle - to look into video footage for in-person B-series

1.5. Video in collab with the dance dept. to make a compilation video. One song or a mix of songs to represent history or mixtape. Connect with community members or alumni to be featured on the website, used on social media or within the live event.

2. Marketing Team Ideas

2.1. Collab with student orgs on campus to identify talent, increase followers/engagement (BSU, SGA, SPB, HipHop Colum, Red Bull, Stock X)

2.1.1. StockX - fashion?

2.2. social media - keep people updated with overwhelming people. instagram/twitter/facebook post once a week (in person + virtual). Clear instructions for your audience. RedBull promotion.

2.2.1. Amina - social media handles?

2.3. Event posters/flyters/branding for ManiFresh

2.4. Print material- all over campus, Hype for Manifest + right before.

2.4.1. Nissan / StuCom

2.5. ManiFresh merch - t-shirts and masks - giveaways! Interaction during the live event!

2.6. Tv/Radio - Frequency/WCRX 1. 2 campaigns 2. TV segment closer to event

3. Required Programming

3.1. BboyB Mural Reveal

3.2. Partner with HipHop History class

3.3. Fundraise for ColumbiaCares

4. Client Requests

4.1. Highlight all elements of Hip-Hop within programming (DJing, MCing, Graffiti, Breaking, Knowledge)

4.2. Highlight the history of Hip-Hop within Columbia and City of Chicago, while celebrating 20th anniversary of Manifest

4.3. Event is live-streamed to the Manifest website

4.4. Client VISION is for it to someday become its own festival

4.5. Showcase Columbia students and Chicago Hip-Hop community

5. Themes

5.1. Hip Hop History

5.2. Sense of community

5.3. Student creativity / creating something that touches people

5.4. Innovation

5.5. creating something that lasts - make sure that future events can use this event as a reference - leaving an impact or a footprint

5.6. respecting the past while creating the future (old blending with the new)

5.7. Accessible to more people than ever before

6. Marketing: Ideas Advancing

7. Talent: Ideas Advancing

7.1. Waiting on meeting with Ted and Connie/Event Lab

7.2. Questions for Kelsa: - overview of meeting

8. Interactive - participate by showing their sense of style. Put it out on social media to submit pics or videos. Sneaker culture! Sneak it into slideshow or video.

8.1. Fashion Department connection?

9. Production Team Ideas

9.1. Chi-Town Freestyle or Cypher in the Haus - smaller event, battle between 2 old school, make it specific to BboyB's community, honor BBoyB - live in the space that day.

9.2. Behind the Wall - doc style interview series to highlight BboyB and the history of Hip-Hop (people in MDWY Doc). Give background on history - sneak peek of story behind the mural. Shown on campus TVs, website and social media. Interviews conducted at HAUS. Build up to the event.

9.3. Design a Manifresh Mask Contest - collab with marketing, students can submit their COOLEST design to showcase HipHop. Clients (or class) choose design. Give profit to ColumbiaCares.

9.3.1. ShopColumbia conversation

9.4. Interaction during the Live stream - how do we connect with people during battles/cyphers, help choose winners. Screen behind performers dancing? Change filters to give a sense of a different era.

9.4.1. Additional idea: Designate a marketing team member to do polls on insta story

9.5. Video to build momentum - gather visuals to promote manifresh across campus - donation/all the event details

9.5.1. TVs in Student Center, IAM building, Music building

10. Fundraising Team Ideas

10.1. Sponsor for the merch? Fundraise $ - Restaurant sponsor, enter a raffle to fundraise, live raffle via instagram

10.2. Gift basket for guests pays for the gift basket - $ goes to Columbia Cares (merch, snacks, mask, disc of music/mixtape)

10.3. Website $$$$$$ viewers yeah!

10.4. Virtual dance class - donation based dance class (GoFund Me) - students or faculty!

10.4.1. katherine - friend, Kyle, faculty (Bravemonk)

10.4.2. Development office / transaction $

10.5. Sell merch/clothes - in connection with BboyB - limited edition to call attention $$$$$$ - EXCLUSIVE, presale

11. Production: Ideas Advancing

11.1. BboyB artistic direction / questions / logistics

11.2. Meet with DEPS - answer questions

12. Fundraising: Ideas Advancing