Social Media as New Market

The mind map for team project that takes the title: Social Media as the New Market.

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Social Media as New Market par Mind Map: Social Media as New Market

1. Network

2. 5. Mitigation

2.1. Social media development as a marketplace.

2.2. Social awareness of social media as a marketplace

3. 3. Reliability and Credibility

3.1. Acceptance of users

3.2. Unstable income

4. 4. Limitation

4.1. Stores and delivery

5. 1. Social Media as the New Market

5.1. Definition

5.1.1. What is the Social Media Market (SMM)

5.2. Social Media Channels

5.2.1. Twitter

5.2.2. YouTube

5.2.3. Facebook/ Instagram

5.3. Problem Statement

5.4. Uses

6. 2. Causes

6.1. Financial Issues

6.1.1. Financial Risk

6.2. Lack of Security

6.3. Data loss