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Business par Mind Map: Business

1. Don

1.1. Backlog

1.2. Next Actions

1.3. Doing

1.4. Done

1.4.1. Find a coach for scaling a business

2. Glenn

2.1. Backlog

2.2. Next Actions

2.3. Doing

2.4. Done

3. Product or Service

3.1. What is the unique product or service

3.2. Unique Selling Proposition

3.3. SWOT Analysis

4. Market

4.1. Size of Market

4.1.1. 6 million homes a years sold in the USA

4.2. Demographics

4.3. Major Players

4.3.1. Mike Kent SWOT

5. Organizational Structure

5.1. Leadership

5.1.1. You

5.2. Sales

5.3. Lead Generation

5.3.1. Google PPC

5.3.2. Facebook Sponsored Marketing

5.4. Lead Conversion

5.4.1. CRM Hubspot Follow up Boss kvCore

5.5. Marketing

5.6. Operations

5.7. Finance

6. Incorporation

6.1. LLC, S Corp, C Corp, B Corp

7. Logical Order Sprint Planning

7.1. Backlog

7.1.1. Build Business Plan

7.1.2. Incorporation

7.2. Next Actions

7.3. Doing

7.4. Done