TEDGlobal 2012 Ivan Krastev

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TEDGlobal 2012 Ivan Krastev par Mind Map: TEDGlobal 2012 Ivan Krastev

1. democracy is the only game in town

1.1. some say its not a game at all

1.2. trust in pollitics is detroyed

1.3. 89% of EU citizend believe a growing gap between citizen en politics

1.4. people can change goverments but not policies

1.5. we are free

1.5.1. more rights

1.5.2. more info

1.5.3. travelling free

2. What

2.1. From his home base in Bulgaria, Ivan Krastev thinks about European democracy‐‐and how to reframe it.

3. people in church of TED: are very optimistic

3.1. tranparancy & openess

4. election in a small country

4.1. it rained

4.2. rain stopped

4.3. lots of blank ballot vote

4.4. 83% voted with blank ballot

4.4.1. they say we have nobody to vote for

5. Who

5.1. Ivan Krastev

5.1.1. public intellectual

5.2. crisis in democracy

5.3. no mobile phone

6. what went right

6.1. 1968

6.1.1. human rights moment

6.2. 1980

6.2.1. market revolution

6.3. 1989

6.3.1. end of communism

6.3.2. end of world war

6.4. 2000

6.4.1. internet revolution

6.5. brain sciences revolution

6.5.1. how we make decions

7. wrong

7.1. 1960

7.1.1. destoyed ....

7.2. 1980

7.2.1. market revolutions decline equality

7.3. 1989

7.3.1. revolution of 1989 berlin wall people are liberated voters are not interested in voting

7.4. 2000

7.4.1. internet revolution impact on politics New node

7.5. brainc scientist

7.5.1. manipulate emotions of people

8. revolutions

8.1. are called on means that are used

8.2. its about media

9. what went right also went wrong

9.1. how to change

9.2. what to be with democracy

9.3. restore trust in politics

9.3.1. active citrizens

9.4. its the transparacy stupid

9.5. politics: management of mistrust

9.6. democracy is about people changing their views

9.7. goverment will be selectively transparant

9.8. there is a big shadow where is much light