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NPAM Omics par Mind Map: NPAM Omics

1. Proteomics

1.1. downstream of transcriptional changes

1.2. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics quantify global exercise-regulated remodelling of proteins

1.3. tissue-specific biopsies and systemic proteome dynamics occurring with exercise

2. Transcriptomics

2.1. protein kinases and cellular signalling pathways activated by exercise

2.2. microarray and RNA sequencing - decipher transcriptome networks behind exercise adaptations

3. Genomics

3.1. GWAS

3.1.1. Candidate genes and variants - response and metabolic adaptations to exercise

4. Metabolomics

4.1. Lipidomics, Glycomics

4.1.1. ketone bodies and fat oxidation

4.1.2. Modelling analysis to determine associations between lipid intermediates and adiposity

4.2. MS and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

4.3. metabolite and lipid biomarkers to reflect exercise adaptations

4.4. metabolomics profiling of healthy versus diabetic/obese patients

4.5. Metabolic repositories for reproducible physiological datasets

5. Epigenomics

5.1. mapping global methylation patterns on DNA and posttranslational modifications on regulatory chromosomal proteins

5.1.1. histone methylation, phosphorylation, and acetylation Epigenetic programming impacted by both acute and chronic exercise e.g. hypomethylation and promoter region of relevant genes

5.2. miRNA's and post-transcription modulation

5.3. DNA methylation patterns and obesity

5.4. EWAS= Site‐specific differences in DNA methylation and its association with metabolic phenotypes