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Feminism par Mind Map: Feminism

1. Liberal Feminism

1.1. equality between men & women

1.1.1. equal pay

1.1.2. equal opportunities

1.2. political reform

2. Women's Rights

2.1. gender equality

2.2. reproductive rights

2.2.1. abortion rights

2.2.2. birth control

2.2.3. education about contraceptives

3. Activism

3.1. create change

3.2. protest

3.2.1. lead/create rallies

3.3. vote

3.4. express opinion

3.5. make people aware of not obvious forms of oppression

3.5.1. oppressive language

3.5.2. cat calls

3.5.3. male dominance in education

4. Radical Feminism

4.1. overthrow the system

4.2. male supremacy

4.3. white, supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy

5. Gender Roles

5.1. male dominance

5.2. social construction of gender

5.2.1. hurts both men & women

5.3. violence against women

5.3.1. take back the night

5.4. realize the oppression they lead to

6. Famous Feminist

6.1. Emmeline Pankhurst

6.2. Simone de Beauvoir

6.3. Rosa Park

6.4. Bell Hooks

6.5. Germaine Greer