Who does this belong to? A simple process to be a walking talking meditation

A great tool to have total peace and calm

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Who does this belong to? A simple process to be a walking talking meditation par Mind Map: Who does this belong to?  A simple process to be a walking talking meditation

1. How can I know more?

1.1. Check the website of Dr. Dain Heer, the co-founder of the amazing modality called Access Consciousnes - Who does this belong to? Download the free app!

1.2. You can download the app from the website and do this for 3 days

1.3. You can check many other tools on the Tour of Consciousness which is Dr. Dain Heer's YouTube channel - Dain Heer

2. What it is?

2.1. It is a simple technique which you can use anytime for every thought, feeling,emotion

2.2. a tool to stop your “monkey mind”, end the constant mind chatter and stop the endless train of thoughts running through your head

2.3. The tool and the App are all about creating more peace and ease in your life and in your mind

3. Who it is for?

3.1. For overthinkers

3.2. For those who cannot meditate

3.3. For those who are looking for a different possibility in life

4. How do you use it?

4.1. For every thought, feeling and emotion which comes up, ask "Who does this belong to?"

4.2. Once the energy lightens up a bit say, "I return it to the sender with consciousness attached"

4.3. That's it. It works 99% of the time and if you do it continuously for 3 days for every TFE, you will become a walking talking meditation

5. Why it works

5.1. 98% of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that you have are not yours? Yep. They don’t even belong to you. You are like a big radio receiver, picking up on everything that is happening around you

5.2. The sadness, the depression, the heaviness, the anger… everything that is going through the minds of the people around you, you pick it up and think it’s yours.

5.3. The good news is, you can do something about it so that you are no longer at the effect of it!