Women's Suffrage

Exploring Women's Suffrage

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Women's Suffrage par Mind Map: Women's Suffrage

1. Women in Congress

1.1. Republican Jeannette Rankin of Montana was the first female to win a House of Reps. seat in 1916

1.2. Democrat Hattie Caraway of Arkansas was the first female to win a Senate seat in 1932

1.3. Patsy Mink was the female Asian American elected to House of Reps. in 1964. Spearheaded Title IX

1.4. Shirley Chisolm was the first Black Woman elected to House of Reps. in 1968

1.5. Margaret Chase Smith was the first woman to be elected to both chambers, and also declare candidacy for the presidency in 1964

1.6. Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids were the first female Native Americans elected to House of Reps, both elected in 2018

1.7. Kamala Harris become the first woman to take the vice presidency in 2021. Two other women (Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin) had previously received the nomination from a major party

2. Voting Rights Legislation

2.1. The 19th Amendment

2.1.1. August 18, 1920

2.1.2. Gave white women the right to vote

2.2. Snyder Act

2.2.1. 1924

2.2.2. Expanded the right to vote to Native Americans, including indigenous women

2.3. Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act

2.3.1. 1943

2.3.2. Chinese Immigrants already living in the country could now vote

2.4. Voting Rights Act of 1965

2.4.1. Ensured the right to vote to African Americans

3. Also Fought For

3.1. Pay Equity

3.2. Educational Resources

3.3. Access to Credit

3.4. Equal Representation in Legislative Bodies

3.5. The Equal Rights Amendment

3.5.1. Written in 1923 by Alice Paul, Crystal Eastman

3.5.2. "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."

3.5.3. Still has not been ratified, despite support from 3/4ths of the states.

3.6. Title IX

3.6.1. Bars schools that receive federal funding from discriminating on the basis of sex

3.7. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

4. Current Representation

4.1. 26 Women in the Senate

4.2. 101 Women in the House of Representatives

4.3. 9 Women serving as governors

4.3.1. +Puerto Rico, Guam

4.4. 4 Women as Congressional delegates, to American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico