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Trust par Mind Map: Trust

1. Communicating

1.1. Don't exclude people

1.1.1. sub-groups that keep information to themselves

1.2. actively make it possible for people to be included

1.2.1. Keep people in the loop

1.2.2. find the right level of communications

2. goals and purpose

2.1. know what you're all working towards

2.1.1. Why are we all here

2.2. have clear priorities that everyone understands

2.3. Simple, clear goals that allow people to do their thing their way

3. Clear responsibility

3.1. Know who you are trusting to do what

3.2. Defer to the expertise of those with skills

3.3. personal responsibility

4. Allow each other to fail

4.1. not knowing

4.2. imperfection

4.3. admit that you can make mistakes

5. reliability

5.1. do what you say you will do

6. transparency

6.1. be realistic about what you can and cant do

6.2. Take responsibility

7. humanness

7.1. no need for a facade

7.2. allow each other to be just human

7.3. not just a role

7.4. be open as who you are

7.5. know each other

7.5.1. take the time to learn

7.5.2. becomming a close team requires knowing the detail