Everyday Purposes of Language

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Everyday Purposes of Language par Mind Map: Everyday Purposes of Language

1. Jobs: learning English is critical for many immigrants looking for employment in CA

2. Signs: to know what street you're on, warnings, directions, descriptions of items as stores

3. Laws: to know what you can and can't do at a school, in the street, while driving, etc.

4. Economics: to make contracts and agreements through transactions

5. Reading / School: to understand the meaning of abstract things in subjects such as math, literature, philosophy, etc.

6. Friends: to build relationships to socialize

7. Family: to pass down historical and cultural knowledge and values

8. Writing: to express with meaning intangible ideas

9. Emotions: to express anger, sadness, frustration, happiness

10. Meaning/Purpose: to use dialect to reflect on difficult questions of one's existence; to establish principles of how to treat others

11. These will be the focus of this unit