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Shool subjects par Mind Map: Shool subjects

1. Belarusian

1.1. speak Belarusian

1.2. write exercises

1.3. learn the rules

2. Maths

2.1. do sums

2.2. solve problems

2.3. count

3. Science

3.1. learn about nature

3.2. do science experiments

3.3. do projects

4. Art

4.1. draw

4.2. paint

5. Belarusian Reading

5.1. read stories

5.2. learn poems by heart

5.3. write compositions

6. Man and the World

6.1. learn about nature

6.2. learn history

7. English

7.1. speak English

7.2. learn new words

7.3. play interesting games

7.4. listen to audio stories

7.5. do projects

8. Russian

8.1. write exercises

8.2. learn different rules

8.3. write dictations

9. Technology

9.1. make things

9.2. sew

10. PE

10.1. play sports

10.2. run

10.3. jump

11. Russian Reading

11.1. read stories

11.2. listen to stories

11.3. read and learn poems

12. Music

12.1. sing songs

12.2. listen to music

12.3. learn about musicians