The male and Female brain

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The male and Female brain par Mind Map: The male and Female brain

1. the Male and Female Brain A hundred years ago, if you asked if male and female brains were differ- ent, most people would answer, “Of course!" Today, however, most people believe that although men and women are physically different, their brains are the same.

2. The left bemisphere is dominant for language; the right hemisphere is dominant in receiving and thinking about information from the outside world

3. These two parts of the brain are connected by the ral connector with millions of nerves. Scientists have found two possible differences in how males and females process language. First, when men talk, they use mainly the left hemisphere. However, when women talk, they seem to use both hemispheres.

4. They believe that differences between men and women are a result of culture and experience rather than physical differences. However, years ago. Male and female brains do work differently, and this results research on the brain suggests that maybe people were correct 100 in clearly distinct or separate abilities.

5. culture and experience have an important influence on male and female abilities, but biology also plays a ienificant and possibly more important role. nerences between men and women become clear very early in life.