reading techniques

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reading techniques par Mind Map: reading techniques

1. The main techniques are: the identification of cognates, repeated words and typographic clues.

2. Skimming “skim” em inglês é deslizar à superfície.

3. Typographic cues are visual elements that help us understand the text. Attention to dates, numbers, tables, graphs, figures ... This information is also contained in the text.

4. Os cognatos são palavras muito parecidas com as palavras do Português. São as chamadas palavras transparentes.

4.1. Como cognatos podemos citar: school (escola), telephone (telefone), car (carro), question (questão, pergunta), activity (atividade), training (treinamento)...

5. Using this technique means that we need to read each sentence, but rather look over the text, reading a few sentences here and there, trying to recognize certain words and expressions that serve as ‘tips’ in obtaining information about the text.

6. Scanning “Scan” em Inglês quer dizer examinar, sondar, explorar.

7. The technique of “skimming” leads us to read a text superficially.