student:amr musa ragab (section 12)amr walied elsayed (section 12)

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1. Data Types

1.1. Primary

1.1.1. Integer

1.1.2. Character

1.1.3. Boolean

1.1.4. Floating Point

1.1.5. Double Floating Point

1.1.6. Valueless or Void

1.1.7. Wide Character

1.1.8. Void

1.2. Derived

1.2.1. Short term

1.2.2. Long term

1.2.3. Function

1.2.4. Array

1.2.5. Pointer

1.2.6. Reference

1.3. User Defined

1.3.1. Class

1.3.2. Structure

1.3.3. Union

1.3.4. Enumeration

1.3.5. Typedef defined DataType

2. Input/Output

2.1. Input

2.1.1. cin

2.1.2. std::cin

2.2. Output

2.2.1. cout

2.2.2. std::cout

2.2.3. cerr

2.2.4. clog

3. Arithmetic Operators

3.1. Addition ( + )

3.2. Subtraction ( - )

3.3. Multiplication ( * )

3.4. Division ( / )

3.5. Modulus ( % )

3.6. Equal ( == )

3.7. Increment ( ++ )

3.8. Decrement ( -- )

4. Logical Operators

4.1. AND ( && )

4.2. OR ( || )

4.3. NOT ( ! )

5. Decisions

5.1. If

5.2. Nested if

5.3. IF....Else

5.4. Switch

5.5. Nested switch

6. Loops

6.1. While

6.2. Do....While

6.3. For

6.4. Nested loop

7. Functions

7.1. lnline Functions

7.2. Recursion Functions

7.3. Overloaded functions

8. String

8.1. Char Array

8.2. String Class

9. Array

9.1. One dimensional Array

9.2. Multi-dimensional Array

9.3. Pointer to an Array

10. Pointer

10.1. Pointer Arithmetic

10.2. NULL Pointers

10.3. Pointer VS Arrays

10.4. Array of Pointers

10.5. Pointer to Pointer

10.6. Passing Pointers to Functions

10.7. Return Pointer from Functions