Commitments of company management

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Commitments of company management par Mind Map: Commitments of company management

1. 1.1 Employer commitments

1.1. HAS to protect

1.1.1. employees' safety, physical and moral health

1.1.2. the environment

1.2. defined and explained in their policy

2. 1.2 Health Safety Environment policy

2.1. recorded in an HSE policy

2.1.1. risks are identified

2.1.2. risks are prevented from happening

2.1.3. employees are regularly trained

3. 1.3 HSE targets

3.1. relevant measurable reachable time-bound

3.2. defined by the employer

4. 1.4 Organisation

5. 1.5 HSE indicators

6. 1.6 Planning, documentation and resources

7. 1.7 HSE information and activity