female characters

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female characters par Mind Map: female characters

1. society

1.1. 'The Intended'

1.1.1. entire identity is rooted in her role to Kurtz meta-narrative

1.2. 'cook' 'children' in TLL

1.2.1. domestic roles - rise of post-war conservatism

1.3. two novels separated by sufferagete movement

1.4. femininity as a weakness

1.4.1. 'don't know how to cry'

2. power dynamics

2.1. the fates and image of justice

2.1.1. 'two women [...] knitting black wool'

2.1.2. 'blindfolded, carrying a lighted torch'

2.1.3. greek imagery

2.1.4. contrast to religious view of the dangerous woman eve

2.2. men as a collective

2.2.1. 'the boys' and 'The Company'

2.2.2. vs possessives of female characters 'his girl', 'his mistress'

2.2.3. collective masculinity in psychology

2.3. sexism as a colonial import

2.3.1. known matriarchal societies in the Congo

3. sexualisation

3.1. Kurtz' Intended vs the mistress

3.1.1. 'like the wilderness'

3.1.2. 'loyal' 'misty halo'

3.2. fetitising

3.2.1. TLL - black men fetishising white women 'bags of white pussy'

3.2.2. HOD - white men fetishising black women 'gorgeous' Mistress becomes representative of nature

3.2.3. Madonna-whore complex

3.2.4. common place to take concubine

3.3. violence towards women

3.3.1. 'beat up Agnes'

3.3.2. domestic violence made illegal in 1994