Student Name (picture)

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Student Name (picture) par Mind Map: Student Name (picture)

1. Strengths

1.1. class participation

1.2. cooperation with others

1.3. computer skills

1.4. initiates conversations with others

1.5. following classroom routines

1.6. follows verbal directions

1.7. sense of humour

1.8. creativity (likes building toys)

2. Helpful Teaching Strategies (IEP Accommodations)

2.1. direct 1 to 1 teaching (new skill)

2.2. breaking down instructions (chunking/task analysis)

2.3. visuals (visual schedule)

2.4. breaks

2.5. incentive program

2.6. highly structured program

3. Special Interests

3.1. law enforcement & fire fighters

3.2. superheroes (Spiderman)

3.3. Just Dance video game

3.4. Tanks, helicopters

3.5. Youtube videos (building models)

3.6. Frozen

4. Useful Tip

4.1. very motivated by rewards (computer break, print a picture, play with toys)

4.2. no evident negative behaviours

4.3. calming/sensory break: sit on bean bag, walk, yoga stretches

4.4. parents are eay to reach and supportive

5. Needs

5.1. needs reminders to limit toys/belongings that he carries

5.2. age-appropriate social skills

5.3. basic literacy and numeracy skills

5.4. needs reminders to ask permission to print

5.5. tends to rush through work

5.6. hygiene skills

5.7. redirection to stay focused on current task/activity

6. Favourite Activities

6.1. singing & dancing

6.2. playing pretend (police, fire fighter)

6.3. watching superhero & Disney movies

6.4. going for walks

6.5. playing Uno

6.6. playing with figurines

6.7. sharing interests with friends