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PAPER content par Mind Map: PAPER content

1. 4. questionnaire for teachers (AM)

1.1. significance of a Q.

1.2. use, assignment to groups, time frame, attitude...

1.3. most common issues

2. 3. breakout rooms (LB, 1p)

2.1. BR definition

2.2. BR purpose

2.3. benefits

2.4. pecularities

2.5. issues of teachers on the Internet?

3. 5. Guidelines & Conclusion

3.1. group work vs. pair work (comparison)

3.2. guidelines

4. 2. group work & pair work

4.1. in general

4.2. advantages & disadvantages

4.3. differences btw. traditional & online teaching

5. 1. Intro + social interaction (KS, 1.5p)

5.1. lack of social contact

5.2. students' need for socialising

5.3. ways to encourage socialising

5.4. shift to online environment