Sustainable Leadership

Sustainable leadership

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Sustainable Leadership par Mind Map: Sustainable Leadership

1. Responsibilities

1.1. Developing Vision and Stratergy

1.2. Employee developing and empowerment

1.3. Engaging across boundaries

1.4. Acting with integrity

1.5. Systematic Communication

1.6. Top management role modelling

2. 7 fundamental principles of sustainable leadership

2.1. Depth

2.2. Endurance

2.3. Breadth

2.4. Justice

2.5. Diversity

2.6. Resoursefulness

2.7. Conservation

3. Triple Bottom Line

3.1. people

3.2. planet

3.3. profit

4. Leadership Styles

4.1. Charismatic leadership

4.1.1. Vision and articulation

4.1.2. Personal risk

4.1.3. Sensitivity to environment

4.1.4. Sensitivity to follower needs

4.1.5. Unconventional behaviour

4.2. Transformational Leadership

4.2.1. Individualized consideration

4.2.2. Idealized influence

4.2.3. Intellectual Stimulation

4.2.4. Inspirational Motivation

4.3. Transactional leadership

4.4. Authentic Leadership

4.4.1. Self awareness

4.4.2. Intergrity

4.4.3. Confidence

4.4.4. Self control

4.4.5. Positive and optimistic

4.5. Regenerative Leadership

4.5.1. Focus on people and planet

5. Essense of sustainable leader

5.1. Traits

5.1.1. Systematic

5.1.2. Open-minded

5.1.3. Empathetic

5.1.4. Moral

5.1.5. Courageous

5.2. Styles

5.2.1. Inclusive

5.2.2. Visionary

5.2.3. Radical

5.2.4. Creative

5.3. Skills

5.3.1. Manage complexity

5.3.2. Communicate Vision

5.3.3. Exercise Judgment

5.3.4. Challenge and Innovate

5.3.5. Strategic thinking

5.4. Knowledge

5.4.1. Dilemmas

5.4.2. Interpretation

5.4.3. Understanding

5.4.4. Listening