Repurpose plastic designs

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Repurpose plastic designs par Mind Map: Repurpose plastic designs

1. design

1.1. furniture and decor

2. machine

2.1. injection molding

3. 1950s Post WW2 Introduction of plastic consumer products

3.1. Tupperwear

3.2. Robin Day's 1963 Polypropylene Chair

3.3. Joe Colombo 60's Pop era plastic furniture

3.4. 90's mono-block Chair

3.4.1. 90, electronics and plastic Sony Japan

3.4.2. proliferation of plastic products in every household

4. Recycle

4.1. repurpose

4.2. market

4.2.1. online

4.2.2. green projects

5. References




5.4. Plastics and design: a closely-linked history - Plastics le Mag

5.5. A Brief History of Plastic's Conquest of the World

6. Toxic to environment

6.1. Marine life

7. plastic products

7.1. cheap

7.2. easy to manufacture

7.3. Quick processes

7.4. Light

8. proccess

8.1. heating and shredding

9. cons

9.1. recycling plants

9.2. waste management

9.3. landfills

9.4. dumping sites