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Journal par Mind Map: Journal

1. Assignment

1.1. help in recruitment

1.1.1. Get list of interviewees

1.1.2. prepare offer and rejection letters

1.1.3. send offer and rejection letters

1.2. learn recruitment policies

1.2.1. Go through recruitment process from books go through company recruitment criteria for different positions

2. Achievement

2.1. sent 3 offer and 14 rejection letters

2.2. learnt company recruitment criteria

2.2.1. educational and personal criteria

3. Accomplishment

3.1. formal communication skills

3.1.1. sending formal emails

3.2. gained knowledge in recruitment criteria of different positions

4. Reflection

4.1. Task Analysisis

4.1.1. employee recruitment

4.1.2. quantity

4.2. difficulties

4.2.1. deadlines

4.3. organisational environment analysis

4.3.1. friendly easy to work open culture

4.3.2. unbiased merit based

5. Conclusion

6. learning match with

6.1. course

6.1.1. Management more experience from practical implementation

6.1.2. HR Course prior knowledge of basic HR policies and processes

6.1.3. MIS emails, document creation