Flora and Fauna of the Pacific Region of Colombia: Main Characteristics

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Flora and Fauna of the Pacific Region of Colombia: Main Characteristics par Mind Map: Flora and Fauna of the Pacific Region of Colombia: Main Characteristics

1. Mn

2. flora

2.1. diversity of plants

2.1.1. as the fern, the palm tree, the bromelia, the mahogany of big leaf, the fresh one and the abarco. Large-leaf mahogany is currently a threatened plant species due to the destruction of its habitat. National Parks There are eight national parks for the conservation of biodiversity in the Colombian Pacific. These are:

3. fauna

3.1. diversity of animals

3.1.1. Among the most important terrestrial animals are the jaguar, freshwater caiman, tigrillo, lazy, giant anteater, wild boar, mico marmoset, several species of foxes, harpy eagle and many amphibians and small arachnids