Interpretation and translation

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Interpretation and translation par Mind Map: Interpretation and translation

1. Translation

1.1. translate the written words.

2. Interpretation

2.1. translate spoken language

2.2. Purpose

2.2.1. Convert concepts Speak Write

2.2.2. Fluently

3. "action of explaining the meaning of something; the way something is explained or understood.”

3.1. Original

3.2. Message

4. interpreter must not only quickly and carefully interpret meaning

4.1. interpreter must not only quickly and carefully interpret meaning

4.2. Culture

5. Daily life

5.1. When I watch movies in a foreign language

5.1.1. When I'm on social networks

5.1.2. When I'm playing games online

5.2. When I listen to english podcasts

5.2.1. When I listen to music

5.3. When I'm talking with my friends