Necessity of Health & Fitness Professionals

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Necessity of Health & Fitness Professionals par Mind Map: Necessity of Health & Fitness Professionals

1. Introduction

1.1. The health of our nation

1.2. Types of health & fitness professionals

1.3. Convince readers that health & fitness professionals are essential

1.3.1. Inspire someone about your topic?

1.3.2. Specific grade?

1.3.3. Do your best work?

2. Nutrition

2.1. fast food vs. nutritious food

2.2. Professionals

2.2.1. Nutritionists

2.2.2. Registered Dietitians

2.2.3. Personal Trainers Books News sources Blogs Supporting Data Expert reports Third party research Survey data Size of topic

3. Fitness

3.1. Sedentary vs. active livestyle

3.2. Effects of Sedentary lifestyle

3.3. Benefits of an active lifestyle

3.4. Avenues for change

3.4.1. Join a fitness class

3.4.2. Get a personal trainer

3.4.3. Make healthy food choices

3.4.4. You don't have to do it alone!

4. Why have professionals?

4.1. Motivation

4.2. Technique

4.3. Accountability

5. Conclusion

5.1. Americans will become healthier by ulitizing the services offered by health & fitness professionals