Global Imaginary

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Global Imaginary par Mind Map: Global Imaginary

1. Created through time and space

1.1. expands the ideas of social relationships by creating new concepts that require thinking after a big event takes place for example, before 1920, women were not allowed to vote. Those who were in favor of women voting would be called feminist today. Now feminism is a huge movement made in support of women and now have their own community as a common interest

1.2. *An experience is needed in order for these communities to rise.

2. Flattening geographical boundaries, making it possible for a post-national imagination.

3. Can be seen in pop culture

3.1. Music, media and movies can contain global imaginary as these platforms can be accessed worldwide, creating more opportunities to form bigger groups within the common interest.

3.2. In 2020, there were many protests contain Black Lives Matter movement and many artists like H.E.R and Joyner Lucas created songs that supported the protests.

4. Global Imaginary is a set of ideas, laws, values and symbols in which people can make sense of the world they imagine in their daily lives, to grow people’s consciousness as a single whole.

5. A term by Manfred Steger

5.1. “Shared sense of thickening in the world community”

5.2. Coined in 2008

6. Can be seen in visual culture

6.1. Tommaso Durante’s Visual Archive Project of the Global Imaginary displays images that he took from various parts of the world that convey global imaginary, these photographs contain changes that are happening due to globalization in public settings in a political, cultural, and ideological way.