What is an empire? A empire is An empire is a sovereign state made up of several territories and ...

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What is an empire? A empire is An empire is a sovereign state made up of several territories and peoples subject to a single ruling authority, often an emperor. par Mind Map: What is an empire? A empire is An empire is a sovereign state made up of several territories and peoples subject to a single ruling authority, often an emperor.

1. Fernando says a republic is

2. What is a Monarchy? A monarchy consists of distinct but interdependent institutions a government and a state administration on the one hand, and a court and a variety of ceremonies on the other that provide for the social life of the members of the dynasty, their friends, and the associated elite.

2.1. What is a republic? a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.