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Tracey Talk par Mind Map: Tracey Talk

1. Heuristics

1.1. The "shortcuts" our mind takes in order to save energy. These are the assumptions we make in order to limit the amount of high-energy learning that takes place.

1.1.1. This is amazing but also dangerous. It might cause us to jump to conclusions because we think we already know the answer. It may cause us to be close-minded to new ideas.

2. No learning without BOTH attention and memorization

2.1. This is why writing notes (even if you don't go back and look at them) is so helpful. It forces you to pay attention, plus the act of writing on paper helps you to memorize the key points that you are writing.

2.1.1. This is also why making these concept maps might be helpful in brain-storming and memorizing.

3. Mind wandering is not a waste of time

3.1. We need to mind wander to make certain connections in our brains.

3.1.1. This happens to me sometimes when I am on a long drive alone. I start to mind wander and have new creative ideas that I wouldn't have though about otherwise.

4. We get less mind wandering today because of our devices

4.1. Because we ALWAYS have our phones on us, instead of letting our minds wander, we instead pull out our devices and scroll through Instagram or text our friends. Our minds never have the break they need to start wandering.

5. Multi-tasking is NOT a real thing

6. Attention is on a continuum, from bored to high alert up to stressed

7. Eustress is a positive, healthy sort of stress

8. Distress is a negative type of stress, when you have been pushed too far

9. Some people have a higher tolerance to stress than others.

9.1. Some people will reach eustress at the same time other people might become distressed in the same scenario.

10. Your mind has an energy limit and can only devote so much energy to different tasks.

10.1. Getting better, or practicing an energy-intensive task many times, can make that task a lower-energy task, and free up your mind for other things. This is how paramedics can "multi-task" on the job. They have practiced the scenarios so many times that it becomes routine for their minds.