9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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9 Elements of Digital Citizenship par Mind Map: 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Law

1.1. The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use

1.1.1. Doing your own work

1.1.2. Copying other peoples work

2. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

2.1. Posting good stuff on the internet

2.2. posting bad stuff and making fun of people

3. Digital Health and Wellness

3.1. The elements of physical and psychological well being related to digital technology use

3.1.1. Add people you know

3.1.2. Adding everyone

4. Digital Security

4.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network

4.1.1. Keep your passwords secret

4.1.2. Sharing your infromation with people you dont know

5. Digital Literacy

5.1. the capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it

5.1.1. Chat with friend and be nice

5.1.2. bullying other kids

6. Digital commerce

6.1. The buying and selling of goods online

6.2. buying a book

6.3. putting your personal information online

7. Digital Access

7.1. full electronic participation in society.

7.2. school use

7.3. teacher only letting certain students use internet or technology

8. Digital communication

8.1. The electronic exchange of information

8.2. texting and calling friends

8.3. sending innapropriate or mean messages

9. Digital Etiquette

9.1. the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

9.2. using it for what your supposed to be using it for

9.3. using the computer innapropriatly