In the house

In the house vocabulary

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In the house par Mind Map: In the house

1. bedroom

1.1. bed

1.2. wardrobe

2. bathroom

2.1. bath

2.2. shower

2.3. basin / washbasin

2.4. washing machine

3. hall

3.1. stairs

3.2. upstairs

3.3. downstairs

3.4. floor

3.5. wall

4. study

4.1. desk

4.2. chair / armchair

4.3. bookshelf / boolshelves

5. garden

5.1. flowers

5.2. grass

5.3. pets

6. kitchen

6.1. table

6.2. chair

6.3. fridge

6.4. sink

6.5. cooker

7. living room

7.1. sofa

7.2. television (TV)

7.3. coffee table

7.4. armchair

8. dining room

8.1. table

8.2. chair

9. garage

9.1. car

9.2. bike

10. toilet

10.1. toilet