Social Network

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Social Network par Mind Map: Social Network

1. Advantages

1.1. Meet new friends

1.2. Access information easier

1.3. Act as a relaxation

1.4. Help bind distinct people and varied cultures with a common interest

1.5. Share same interests

1.6. Promote the business

1.7. Keep contact with friends

1.8. Kill time

2. Most Popular Social Networking Sites

2.1. Facebook

2.2. Twitter

2.3. LinkedIn

2.4. MySpace

2.5. Google Plus+

3. Functions

3.1. blogging

3.2. photo storage

3.3. games

3.4. event invitations

3.5. free messaging

4. Disadvantages

4.1. Destroy face to face connections

4.2. Cause health issues

4.3. Leakage of private information

4.4. Waste of time