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Career par Mind Map: Career

1. Skills

1.1. photo editing

1.1.1. social media video production audio production

1.1.2. What am I anxious about?

1.2. final cut pro

1.2.1. logic pro tools

1.3. Adobe Lightroom

1.4. Adobe Photoshop

1.5. script writing

1.5.1. composing music to SoundCloud

2. Industries

2.1. social media

2.2. audio production

2.3. video production

2.4. photography

3. motivations

3.1. certified in Adobe

3.2. photography

3.3. production work

3.4. my own company

3.5. work from home

4. Possible titles

4.1. social media manager

4.2. owner of MadiClare Productions

5. Dream companies

5.1. YouTube

5.1.1. TikTok Kalahari Resorts & Conventions

6. barriers

6.1. Where is the location?

6.1.1. Do I have enough experience? Will I make enough money to survive? What am I anxious about?

6.2. What types of people will I be working with?

6.2.1. Will I be working with others? Do I want to work alone? Will I be able to work from home?

6.3. Will it be equal pay?

6.3.1. How do they treat people who are different? How do they treat their employees? How do they treat people with disabilities?