Examples: Powerful Social Studies Teaching

Is a mind map about Powerful Social Studies Teaching

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Examples: Powerful Social Studies Teaching par Mind Map: Examples: Powerful Social Studies Teaching

1. Meaningful

1.1. The main assignment in this video clip is meaningful because it is well-thought out, student-centered and project-based learning. The skills exercised are applicable to real life and is a very interesting topic for the students.

2. Integrative

2.1. An important aspect of this lesson was being able to successfully use longitude and latitude. The teacher had the students find their mission on a map doing this. He felt it was more useful to use this geographic tool for a purpose rather than finding random things.

2.2. At the end of the project the students were required to present their projects. The teacher first went over good presenting skills. Through teaching the skills for presenting first then allowing them to apply it, I found this very successful. Presentation skills are very relative to real-life and post-secondary education.

3. Value-Based

3.1. The students used democratic skills in the way their group delegated tasks. Students had the opportunity to choose a portion to contribute to the group based on their strengths. They also had to ensure everyone had a part.

4. Active

4.1. Students were active throughout the whole project through creating models, pictures, videos and posters.

4.2. Once the students had their project complete they had to present it to the class. This reuired them to to think on the go about who was responsible for what.

5. Challenging

5.1. There was a discussion between two group members discussing the origin of the name of their mission. The two students respectfully disagreed and had to argue and eventually prove their ideal.

5.2. One part of the assignment was utilizing some form of technology. While the students were doing this they were constantly collaborating and expressing their ideas. This kept them actively engaged with the task and challenging perspectives.