Population Census in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective -GP4

a historical perspective of population census in Pakistan .

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Population Census in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective -GP4 par Mind Map: Population Census in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective -GP4

1. What is Census?

1.1. "An official count or survey"

1.2. Population Census?

1.2.1. systematic recording of information on all members of a population usually residing in a country (de jure) or present at the time of enumeration (de facto).

1.2.2. Seven (7) Distinguishing Features: sponsorship by the national government agreement on areas to be included universality individual enumeration simultaneity of enumeration periodicity (UN recommends every 10 yrs) publication dissemination

2. Pakistan's Experience with Population Census

2.1. Pre-Partition - 1881

2.2. Post-Partition

2.2.1. 1951

2.2.2. 1961

2.2.3. 1972 Why not in 1971, as per schedule?

2.2.4. 1981

2.2.5. 1998 Why not in 1991?

2.2.6. 2017 Reasons for a 18 year gap Lack of funds Political Instability 'squabbling' Lack of troops for security When is next census expected?

2.3. Population Wing of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

2.4. Recommendations for upcoming census

2.4.1. Shift from paper enumeration to digital entry of information

2.4.2. Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for census mapping

2.4.3. Conducting a pilot census to test out census plans

2.4.4. Using information from NADRA to the fullest Census Forms can be mailed to families that are fully registered (NADRA) and then collected by hand (or mail)

2.4.5. Keep the enumeration period short to avoid double counting/omissions (this would need more staff)

3. Illustrations

3.1. Population Projection

4. Why does Pakistan need a population census?

4.1. Population Size

4.2. Revenue Estimates

4.3. Immigrant Information

4.4. Forecast needs and distribution of resources

4.5. Provision of social amenities

4.6. Political Representation

5. Census Questionnaire Sample

6. Other intiatives of PBS

6.1. Mouza (Agricultural) Census 2020

6.2. Child Labor Survey

6.3. Survey for Enumeration of Disabled Persons

6.4. Special Survey on Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19