Computer Learning Games

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Computer Learning Games par Mind Map: Computer Learning Games

1. for kids

1.1. it gives you words that you might not have learned and makes you try to find the word ; word searching

1.2. teaches you about certain history depending on which game you play

1.3. its fun , and the colors and designs are really nice

1.4. they question you while doing a lesson to see what you learned

2. History

2.1. for older kids

2.1.1. this game will make you think

2.1.2. teaches you things that you haven't know

2.1.3. gives a score outta of your answers and compares it to others

2.1.4. makes you want to get all the answers right

3. Science

3.1. for kids

3.1.1. it asks you answers and lets you answer by using a camera

3.1.2. game is simple easy an fun

3.1.3. has instructions that tell you first than last

3.1.4. teaches you that there are multiple steps in the food chain.

3.2. for older ages

3.2.1. you can choose from 5-9th grade science terms to learn from

3.2.2. it takes away limbs that make you want to answer the question or else you will loose

3.2.3. easy to use

3.2.4. makes you think ; its like a review

4. Music

4.1. for beginners

4.1.1. it lets you hear the object that you click on

4.1.2. what each instrument sounds like

4.1.3. design it simple , sounds nice

4.2. For more advance musicians

4.2.1. it teaches you about what instruments go in to what category

4.2.2. lets you play the games while answering questions

4.2.3. has like a variable the shows that if you don't answer this question than you can't return back to the game

5. Math

5.1. Math for 1st graders

5.1.1. it gives you visual images

5.1.2. simple and easy

5.1.3. gives you multiple choices to choose from

5.2. Math games for 4th graders

5.2.1. helps you work on divison

5.2.2. it puts you in a situation in where you want to get the answer right

5.2.3. forces you to think, because if you don't than you aren't going to win

5.2.4. lets you go up against friends to see who's better in division