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Malone par Mind Map: Malone

1. Courageous

1.1. Entered mine even when had risk of a cave in. Passed Roxton’s test by risking getting shot.

2. Humble

2.1. Did not feel like he had to brag about going into the mines and saving those people. Plays on the rugby reserve yet doesn’t think much about it.

3. Athletic

3.1. National rugby player for Ireland

3.2. Climbed tall tree to draw map

4. Kind

4.1. Challenger says he has a way with people. Many people like him. Gladys says that he is a very nice guy.

5. Loyal

5.1. Rescues Challenger and Summerlee when he could have ran for his own safety.

6. Motivated

6.1. After knowing what Gladys wanted in her man, Malone went looking for ways to prove himself.