English as a Global Language in my learning settings

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English as a Global Language in my learning settings par Mind Map: English as a Global Language in my learning settings

1. Tourism

1.1. Share culture

1.2. Travel

2. Communication

2.1. With people who speak English

2.2. Intermediate language between two different languages (ELF)

3. Job

3.1. To have better job opportunities

3.2. Because their work demands them

3.3. Business

3.3.1. English is the dominant language in business, because countries with that language control trade

3.4. Globalization

4. Education

4.1. Complement to a person's mother tongue (ESL)

4.2. Information

4.2.1. To share Reliable sources Access

4.2.2. To acquire Books Magazines Media (TV, Internet, etc)

5. Entertainment

5.1. Movies (Hollywood)

5.2. Music

5.3. To understand popular culture