Business English

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Business English par Mind Map: Business English

1. Company

1.1. workforce-tööjõud

1.2. sales -müük

1.2.1. profit - kasum

1.2.2. turnover - käive

1.3. market share- turu osa

1.4. head office - peakorter

1.4.1. parent company- emaettevõte subsidiary - tütarettevõte

1.5. Type

1.5.1. family-owned

1.5.2. a multinational company

1.5.3. self-employed -

2. Selling

2.1. multi-channel

2.1.1. online return goods - kaupu tagastama despatch goods - kaupu kätte toimetama refund - tagastusraha

2.1.2. telephone orders - tellimused

2.1.3. stores - poed discount - allahindlus dual pricing - erinev hind

2.2. payment

2.2.1. card

2.2.2. cash - sularaha

2.2.3. credit interest free - intressivaba

2.3. stores - poed

2.3.1. high street - peatänav

2.3.2. bricks-and--mortar - "ehitis"

3. Career

3.1. move

3.1.1. smth you do to progress in your job

3.2. break

3.2.1. period of time away from your job

3.3. plan

3.3.1. ideas you have for your future career

3.4. opportunities

3.4.1. chances to improve your career

3.5. work

3.5.1. flexitime - paindlik

3.5.2. overtime - üleaja töö

3.5.3. antisocial hours - mittetavapärane tööaeg

3.5.4. part-time - osalise tööajaga

4. Successful Marketing

4.1. understanding of customers' needs - klientide vajaduste mõistmine

4.2. market research and business data - turu - uuringud ja äritegevuse andmed

4.3. strong business sense - tugev ärivaist

4.4. how to make money - kuidas teha raha

4.5. marketing campaign - turustuskampaania

5. Marketing

5.1. Product - toode

5.1.1. goods or services that are sold product launch - toote väljalase product range - toote valik brands

5.2. Price - hind

5.2.1. the cost to the buyer of goods and services

5.3. Promotion - reklaam

5.3.1. informing customers about products and persuading them to buy them advertising campaign - reklaami kampaania advertising budget - reklaami eelarve advertising agency - reklaami firma

5.4. Place - koht

5.4.1. where goods or services are available

6. Managing people

6.1. qualites, skills - omadused, oskused

6.1.1. patience - kannatlikkus

6.1.2. language ability - keeleoskus

6.1.3. flexibility - paindlikkus

6.1.4. leadership - eestvedamine

6.1.5. tolerance

6.1.6. awareness - teadlikkus

6.2. good manager - hea juht

6.2.1. motivates stuff - motiveerib personali

6.2.2. believes in employees' abilities - usub töötajate võimetesse

6.2.3. plans ahead - planeerib ette

6.2.4. delegates work to deputies - delegeerib tööd

6.2.5. is good at communication - on hea suhtlemises