Complications of laparoscopic Sx

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Complications of laparoscopic Sx par Mind Map: Complications of laparoscopic Sx

1. Technique

1.1. Lap Choly

1.1.1. Subhepatic accumulation

1.1.2. Hmg

1.1.3. Bile leak

1.1.4. Bile duct injury Mis-ID Blind clipping or cautery

1.1.5. Bile protenitis

1.1.6. Retained CBD stone

1.1.7. Panceratitis

2. Trocar entry

2.1. Hallow viscous perforation

2.2. Solid viscous injury

2.3. Vascular injury

3. Puncture wound

3.1. Infection

3.2. Bleeding

3.3. Hematoma, seroma

3.4. Hernia

4. Pneumopertonium

4.1. Arrhythmia

4.1.1. Due to vegal stimulation

4.2. Low CO

4.2.1. Compression of IVC

4.3. Lung compromise

4.3.1. COPD or Asthma

4.4. Hypercarbia

4.4.1. CO2 leak

4.5. Air embolism

4.5.1. Rare

4.6. SQ emphysema