Team Charter Template

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Team Charter Template par Mind Map: Team Charter Template

1. Standards of Quality

1.1. Brainstorm

1.2. Consolidate

1.3. Refine

2. Metrics of Success

2.1. Brainstorm

2.2. Consolidate

2.3. Refine

3. Roles

3.1. Brainstorm

3.2. Consolidate

3.3. Refine

4. Team Members

4.1. Person

4.1.1. Strength 1

4.1.2. Strength 2

4.1.3. Weakeness 1

4.1.4. Weakness 2

4.2. Person

4.2.1. Strength 1

4.2.2. Strength 2

4.2.3. Weakeness 1

4.2.4. Weakness 2

4.3. Person

4.3.1. Strength 1

4.3.2. Strength 2

4.3.3. Weakeness 1

4.3.4. Weakness 2

5. Group Norms

5.1. Brainstorm

5.2. Consolidate

5.3. Refine

6. Core Values

6.1. Brainstorm

6.2. Consolidate

6.3. Refine