Students Laptop & Internet Rules EDCT 2030

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Students Laptop & Internet Rules EDCT 2030 par Mind Map: Students Laptop & Internet Rules EDCT 2030

1. During class

1.1. Students may take a school laptop from the cabinet at the beginning of class.

1.1.1. Students should get the laptop at the beginning of class, not during.

1.2. Students must be using the laptops for classroom related things only!

1.3. If you are having issues with the computer then let the teacher know, and hopefully they can help you.

1.3.1. Or you can wait until after class to let the teacher know so they are aware of the issue.

2. After Class

2.1. Students must return all school laptops to the cabinet.

2.2. All laptops must be plugged in to the chargers after every class.

2.3. If students have any questions about the laptops or rules concerning them, this is a good time to talk to the teacher.

3. Care of the Laptop

3.1. Laptops must not be taken outside of classroom!

3.1.1. These laptops are for classroom use only!

3.2. Students must not vandalize the laptops.

3.2.1. If the laptop is harmed in any way it may affect the students grade and they may also be charged for the damages.

3.3. These laptops are school property and must be taken care of.