Five Themes Of Geography

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Five Themes Of Geography par Mind Map: Five Themes Of Geography

1. continental climate

1.1. cold winters

1.1.1. hot summers

2. The effect of water bodies

2.1. Places near bodies of water are cooler and more comfortable

2.2. They usually have a maritime climate

2.3. maritime climate

2.3.1. warm summers and slightly cold winter

3. climates

3.1. polar climate

3.1.1. really cold winters and cool summers siberia

3.2. tropical climate

3.2.1. hot tempuratures singapore

3.3. temperate climate

3.3.1. moderate tempurates australia

4. trellis drainage

4.1. a rectangular pattern

4.1.1. created if water flows over soft and hard rock

5. drainage patterns

5.1. dendritic patterns

5.1.1. a tree like pattern

5.1.2. created if the rivers go over one type of rock

6. small landholders

6.1. mexico,south america,africa,and south asia

6.2. they grow food as a family , and then they barter it.

6.3. weather is harsh on the family so they may die cause of it.

6.3.1. and they are always close to poverty

7. shifting cultivators

7.1. they used machetes to clear out small jungles

7.2. they would grow corn and other things.

7.3. soil erosion is an issue when the rural population increases in the rain forest

8. landforms patterns

9. shield regions

9.1. get worn out by water ice and wind

9.2. created by volcanic activity billions of year before

9.2.1. and example is the canadian shield

9.3. made of igneous and metamorphic rock

10. plains and lowlands

10.1. an example is the saint laurence lowlands

10.2. made of sedimentary rock

10.3. the erosion of sheild regions ceated everything else then rivers etc. carried sediment to the ancient seas, and it made thick beds

11. fold mountains

11.1. two plates collide and one gets pushed under which starts to make layers fold to create a fold mountain.

11.2. made of sediment

11.2.1. the rocky mountains

12. Climate

12.1. The effect of moving air

12.1.1. Hot air floats and eventually creates rain

12.1.2. when air rises it cools down and it creates water droplets that make clouds

12.2. The effect of latitude

12.2.1. The warmest areas are closest to the equator

12.2.2. Less concentrated latitudes are near the south and North Pole

12.2.3. Antarctica is the coldest

12.3. The effect of mountains

12.3.1. Cooler at the peak

12.3.2. Usually has loads of precipitation

12.4. The effect of ocean currents

12.4.1. Effects coastal temperatures

12.4.2. Warm waters flow away and cold flow towards coastlines/equators


13.1. The effect of climate

13.1.1. Water ice and wind create the sediments that lead to the creation of soil

13.1.2. Heavy rain fall and tumbling streams tear down rocks throughout time.

13.1.3. Climate is what helps to create soil

13.2. The effect of soil

13.2.1. Soil profile:a cross section of soil, that are layers of the crust in earth

13.2.2. Permafrost: a permanent frozen ground

13.3. The effect of natural vegatation

13.3.1. Shifting cultivation: a type of farming tht farmers do in the rain forest!!

13.4. nomadic herders

13.4.1. animals are bartered for luxuries

13.4.2. africa,central asia and the middle east

13.4.3. these animals provide the herders with many things such as milk,meat,hides and hair.

13.4.4. they survive on there abilitys that help animals.

13.5. commercial agriculture

13.5.1. grow crops etc. and sell it for a profit

13.6. organic food

13.6.1. foods grown without chemicals fertilizers etc.

13.7. subsistence agriculture

13.7.1. is when you only farm for the family

13.8. intensive farming

13.8.1. when you get food from small lands

13.9. extensive farming

13.9.1. a samml amount work on a big area

14. shield cone and composite cone

14.1. shield cone-a valcano made of only magma

14.2. composite cone-made of layers of magma and cinder.

15. natural disasters/tropical storms

15.1. tropical disturbance

15.1.1. cool air blows into swirling warm air by the sun

16. tsunami

16.1. begins in oceans

16.2. tsunamis ussually are occured of underground natural disasters such as earth quakes.

17. tornadoes

17.1. the pacific ring of fire is where tornadoes mostly occur in the pacific.

17.2. they mostly occur at tornado alley

17.3. caused when warm air and cold air collide.

18. hurricanes

18.1. originate from warm waters

18.1.1. Coast of Africa Pacific Ocean

19. cyclones

20. typhoons

21. volcanoes

21.1. ussually occur at the edges of plates

21.2. valcanoes are ussually found in the pacific ring of fire and the mid atlantic ridge

22. earthquakes

22.1. an earth quake shakes the earth about every three minutes.

22.2. most earthquakes cannot do alot of damage but larger ones can be very destructive