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Reliability par Mind Map: Reliability

1. There are three ways to measure the reliabilty of a test score.

2. Reliability - the stability of a test score after test is given several times.

3. Alternative Form

3.1. Use of a equivalent test form

3.2. Test given to same group of students within short period of time

4. Test-Retest or Stability

4.1. Test is given twice to same group of students

4.2. Correlation is made using both sets of scores

4.3. keep time interval short for more accurate results

5. Internal Consistency

5.1. Split-half Methods

5.1.1. One long test is divided into two shorter tests

5.1.2. Correlation measured between two scores of both halves

5.2. Kuder-Richardson Methods

5.2.1. Do items from one test share commonalities with each other

6. Reliable test will produce stable scores over repeated administration.