BME Heads and Directors Roundtable -

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BME Heads and Directors Roundtable - par Mind Map: BME Heads and Directors Roundtable -

1. Medical Device Summit


2.1. IFMBE Journal

3. What does it mean to be a BME in Canada?

4. Action Items

4.1. CMBES to take lead on collecting/collating information on where graduates go

4.1.1. Perhaps identify a standard query/survey to facilitate collation

4.2. Future meeting options

4.2.1. EMBS/BMES alternating with MEDEC/MDS

4.2.2. CMBES

4.2.3. CEEA

5. Website

5.1. Recruiting Website

5.1.1. BMENET in USA

5.2. LinkedIn

5.3. Associcom?

5.3.1. Sharing reports

5.4. National registry of internships?

6. US BME Heads meet 2X/yr

6.1. Lobbying group meeting (AIMBE)

6.2. BMES meeting

7. Heads

7.1. Pierre Savoie, EPM

7.1.1. Regulatory course done in 2nd year now Prep for internship

7.2. Jim Green, Carleton

7.3. Paul, Waterloo (Systems Des Eng)

7.4. Kevin Englehart, UNB

7.5. Trevor Charles, Waterloo

7.6. Richard Frayne, Calgary

7.6.1. Alberta Health Services has an innovation focus (disease-specific)

7.7. Andrew Schneider, Calgary

7.8. Evelyn Moore, Queen's

7.9. Paul Santerre, UT

7.9.1. Clinical engineering

7.9.2. New course (UT Mississauga) Students report that course is excellent

7.9.3. 17 spinoffs ranging from 2-30 employees Where did the funding come from?

7.10. Morat Fratz, CMBES, UHN

7.11. Gordon Sarty, USask

7.12. Mike Noseworthy, McMaster

7.13. Hubert Debruin, McMaster

7.14. Geoff Maksym, Dalhousie

7.14.1. Students love regulatory course

7.14.2. Engineers teamed with MBA students

7.14.3. Work placements?

7.15. Tony Hodgson, UBC

8. Threats

8.1. NRC head believes Biomed hasn't provided acceptable returns, is therefore shutting NRC activities down

9. Opportunities

9.1. MEDEC doesn't include academics

9.2. MEDEC and CMBES are not linked

9.3. Where do the healthcare system people interested in innovation fit in?

9.4. Underutilized scholarships

9.4.1. NSERC IPS

9.4.2. MITACS

9.4.3. Connect Canada

9.5. 2015 conference in Toronto (Paul) - which one?

10. Promotion, Advocacy

10.1. NSERC, CIHR?

11. What are the gaps in training?