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Computer par Mind Map: Computer

1. Printers are used for a wide variety of reasons in the classroom. Students can utilize printers to create tangible assignments such as papers or research information. The teacher can also create newsletters which they print out to distribute, or create transparencies to use with an overhead projector or SmartBoard technologies. Monitors can be used for students to read books, use word documents and conduct research. They can also take AR quizzes and tests on books they read. Teachers can use computer monitors to display information on, and also to communicate with parents and other staff through email messaging. Computer monitors can also display information transported through a SmartBoard or other devices to assist during lessons or circle time.

1.1. Challenges students may face are technology issues with connecting wires or paper jams. At times, the internet may be down and the teacher can loose connectivity or communication.

2. Challenges students may face are technology

3. Mouse and Keyboard

3.1. These tools assist the students in creating documents and learning how to use eye hand coordination with the mouse assosiated with where it is on the computer screen. By implementing the keyboard and its usage, students can learn how to type and input data which is becoming a learned expectation of students.

3.1.1. Keyboard Challenges students may face are learning the keyboard and how to use it. It may take practice or seem challenging for some students at first. The mouse may also take some practice for students to get used to, to be able to use it effectively.

4. Keyboard

5. An input device is something you can connect to a computer that helps you input data.

6. Input Devices

7. Output Devices

7.1. An output device is something that gets the information out of the computer (Lever-Duffy 119)

7.1.1. Printer and Monitor